Stormufti Hussayni, palestinerne og Quran.
Hvorfor ville muftien drepe jødene?

SS Hauptsturmfuehrer Dieter Wisliceny, a close collaborator of Adolf Eichmann, testified:

"In his messages broadcast from Berlin, he surpassed us in anti-Jewish attacks."

"The grand Mufti, who had been in Berlin since 1941, played a role in the decision of the German government to exterminate the European Jews the importance of which must not be disregarded. He had repeatedly suggested to the various authorities with whom he had been in contact, above all before Hitler, Ribbentrop and Himmler, the extermination of European jury. He considers this as a comfortable solution of the Palestine problem. In his messages broadcast from Berlin, he surpassed us in anti-Jewish attacks. He was one of Eichmann’s best friends and has constantly incited him to accelerate the extermination measures. I heard say that, accompanied by Eichmann, he has visited incognito the gas chamber it Auschwitz.

The statement referred to in the affidavit was made by Eichmann in his office in Budapest on June 4, 1944; the confirmation by Wisliceny was given some days later also in Budapest."

Further, according to testimony at the Nuremberg trials, “The Mufti was a bitter arch enemy of the Jews and had always been the protagonist of the idea of their annihilation. This idea the Mufti had always advanced in his conversations with Eichmann.”

Som mentor for Arafat, Abbas og den palestinske bevegelsen stod muftien som en fremtredende religiøs og politisk leder som eksponent for islam. En skulle ikke tro jødehatet kunne uttrykkes klarere, men tragisk må det erkjennes at linjen går tilbake til Muhammeds behandling av jøder og frem til dagens palestinske ledelse. Abbas sa det slik; "We welcome every drop of blood".

Hva med indoktrinering av små barn? Kommer den fra Quran? Er vi ved ondets rot?
