Viktor Orbán avslører hemmelig nettverk fra EUs politiske maktelite

Viktor Orbán avslører hemmelig nettverk fra EUs politiske maktelite som skal flytte 500 000 tusen syrere til Europa! Her fra den ungarske regjeringen sin offisielle nettside, hvor det hele avsløres:

Secret pact on taking in Syrian refugees

December 2, 2015 5:26 PM


Regarding mandatory resettlement quotas, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expects to see a “secret background agreement” to be revealed in the next few days, based on which the European Union would take in some 400–500 thousand Syrian refugees.

At the 5th meeting of the Hungarian Diaspora Council, the Prime Minister said that this proposal may be announced in Berlin before the end of this week, and while this was left out of the EU-Turkey agreement reached last week, in his view, “this secret background agreement” exists.

Read more on the website of the Hungarian Government
