Av Martin A. Engeset. 

Koranen og Islam fortel m.a.:

1. Adam var den fyrste muslim og bygde den fyrste Kaba moskeen i Mekka, 1300 glødande km heimanfrå.

2. Islam var den opprinnelege religionen verda over, men vart forfalska til tusenvis falske religionar, innkludert jøde- og kristendomen.

3. Noa var så ivrig muslim, at han fortalde guden at berre muslimar måtte få overleva Syndefloda.

4. Abraham var så sterk i trua på Allah, at han fortalde det er evig fiendskap og hat mellom hans muslimar og dei vantru.

5. Abraham grunnla Mekka - som fyrst vart grunnlagd 1100 år seinare (ca. 700 f.Kr.)

6. Abraham  bygde oppatt moskeen Kaba. Men den fyrste Kaba vart bygd av kong Asad abu Karb 2200 år etter Abraham (ca. 400 e.Kr.)

7. Moses, David, Salomon var ivrige muslimar. Dei etterfylgjande jødiske profetane var forkynnande muslimar. Men så gjekk noko gale, for dei grådige jødane ville ha eit (økonomisk, etc.) rikare liv på jorda, og forfalska Koranane Adam og dei andre profetane hadde fått, til dei jødiske skrifta, GT og jødedomen.

AA. Problemet er at ikkje noko av dette er sant. Vitskapen kjenner over 100ooo skrift og andre spor etter religionar verda over, eldre enn 610 e.Kr. (då Mukammed starta misjonering). KORKJE VITSKAPEN ELLER ISLAM HAR FUNNE EIT EINASTE SÅ GAMALT RELEVANT TIL ISLAM. 100ooo : 0 = prov av matematisk styrke for bløff. (Eldste sikre sporet etter Islam er frå ca. 691 e.Kr.). Og sjølv dei eldste relevante skrifta - 600 f.Kr. - fortel jødane til alle tider hadde jødedomen og guden Jahve (tidleg også kalla El).

8. Så kom den ivrige muslimen Jesus, og gjorde sitt beste for å føra jødane tilbake til Islam - og alle andre og.

9. Men dei han omvende til Islam, var som jødane - ville ha meir rikdom på jorda - og forfalska Jesus sin Koran og Islam til NT og kristendomen. (Utan å forklara korleis ein religion som krev absolutt ærlegdom, kan gje rikare daglegliv enn ein som tillet uærlegdom, steling/røving, utpressing, slavetakimg, etc., eller korleis jødar, kristne og sekter kunne bli einige om kva som skulle forfalskast, og kva nye tekster setta inn i staden. 

BB. Problemet er at ikkje noko av dette er sant. Dei gamle skrifta (45ooo + 5ooo kunstverk, dekorasjonar, etc. relevant til dette) fortel alle om jødedom og kristendom, og ikkje eit ord relevant til Islam før etter 610 e.Kr. Beviseleg ny bløff. 

10. Og kva er så forklaringa på dei mange skilnadane mellom Koranen sine "bibelske" historier og kva Bibelen verkeleg fortel? Jau, Bibelen er grundig forfalska - utan forklaring på når eller korleis mogeleg å identisk forfalsk titusenvis av Biblar, skrift, kronikørar, brev, kunstverk, etc., spreidde på ukjende stadar over 3 kontinent. Bibelen kan ha feil, men er beviseleg ikkje forfalska.

11. Islam påstår den judokristne Gud/Jahve er den same som Allah. Men lærene, ideologiane, moralkodene, etc. er så forskjellige, at heller ikkje dette er sant.

CC. Så også desse punkta - og fleire - er usanne.

Sjå og t.d. "The 13 Proofs", "1000+ Mistakes in the Quran".

Litt mer...:

THE 14 PROOFS (for that the Quran is not from any god).

(Please spread this text or at least these facts as far and wide as possible, included on Facebook,Twitter, etc. The more you spread it, the more people will read it. Muslim terrorism and partly immoral moral codes and culture will not come to a final end, until the world is thoroughly aware of that the never proved claim that the Quran is the words of a god, is not true = the Quran is made up by someone else (likely by Muhammad) = Islam is a made up "religion".  Also read the 2 very last paragraphs.)

T H E    14    P R O O F S                       

The Quran and Islam both claim - without any proof - that the Quran is an exact copy of "the Mother of the Book" (13/39, 43/4) in Heaven, the original of the Quran, highly  respected by Allah and his angels (43/4), and sent down to all claimed Muhammadan (the correct name as the Quran provably is not from a god) prophets through the times (10/47, 16/36, 35/24), included Muhammad. Muhammad claimed he received it by inspiration (42/5, 53/10) or via the angel Gabriel. It is claimed it was and is the god`s perfect, unchangeable, and infallible words, then, now, and forever (10/64) - so perfect that the very perfection is a proof for that the texts are the exact words of the god (fx. verses 4/82, 10/37, 20/52, 41/42), and contains the best explanations, as nobody can explain better and more correct than a god (25/33, 75/19, and many more). But:

 1. The Quran contains unbelievable 1750+ wrong facts (compared to present knowledge and science) and 350+ other non-religious errors (fx. "1000+ Mistakes in the Quran").  Religious errors are not included here. No omniscient god makes LOTS of errors in his "holy" book.  A very strong and easy to check on proof - no omniscient god delivers such a quality "holy" book.

 2. Many of the errors are so grave, that each of them or a few together make additional proofs for that it is not true that the texts are from a god (there thus in reality are far more than 13 proofs for that it is not true that the Quran is the words of a god). Fx.: 7 Heavens (2/29, 17/44, 23/17 and many more) rests on the (flat) Earth by means of invisible pillars (fx. 13/2, 31/10). The stars are fastened to the lowermost heaven (37/6, 41/12, 67/5) - below the Moon (71/16 - the Moon is between the heavens = the stars are below the moon. Earth would be VERY hot in case.) - and used for shooting stars to chase away jinns and bad spirits wanting to spy on the Heavens (37/10, 67/5). Below the Heavens there are 7 (flat) Earths (65/12 - all named in Hadiths), with Hell at the bottom. The rivers Nile and Euphrates  starts in the heavens according to Hadits. No god has to borrow old, wrong Greek and Persian astronomy  and more, corresponding to what one wrongly believed was true knowledge at the time of Muhammad, in a small part of the Earth.

 3. The Quran contains 300+ internal contradictions (and more external ones) ("1000+ Mistakes in the Quran"). No omniscient god has such a helpless overview over what he has said and done, that he contradicts himself, not to mention hundreds of times. (Till here: 2400+ errors already.)

 4. The Quran has 650+ points where the texts, according to Muhammadan scholars, are so unclear, that Islam still does not know for sure what really is meant. No omniscient god is so dull that he is unable to express himself crystal clear, and especially so in his (claimed) holy book. (Till here: 3050+ errors, etc. - for an omniscient god also unclear instructions and information are errors.)

 5. The Quran contains much "Biblical" stuff, but it "borrowed" this from legends, made up apocryphals, local folklore, etc., and not from the Bible - Muhammad knew the Bible little (relevant science knows the real sources). Because of this , the "Biblical" points in the Quran diverges from what the Bible really says at more than 1500 points. Muhammad "explained" all such errors and more with the never proved claim that the reason for the divergences was that the Bible was falsified, and that his texts were correct. But science knows 13ooo scriptures and fragments from the Bible, plus 32ooo others with quotes from or references to  the Bible, all of them older then 610 AD (when Muhammad started proselyting). In addition there are at least 5ooo as old traces from archeology, buildings, art, etc. ("1000+ Comments on the Quran", Amazon). THESE TEXTS ALL ARE THE SAME ONES WE HAVE IN THE BIBLE TODAY (AND AT THE TIME OF MUHAMMAD, AS THE BIBLE GOT ITS PRESENT FORM DURING THE COUNCIL OF LAODICEA IN 363 AD). "Ergo" the old scriptures are not falsified. (A strong proof for this: If even one single proved falsification had ever been found, Islam had SCREAMED about it. No such scream is heard from their scholars - claims, yes, but nothing more, and mainly in texts meant for lay people or non-Muhammadans.) This means that when the Quran uses wrong quotes or references from the Bible, it is the Quran which is in error. No omniscient god knows the Bible so badly, that he uses wrong quotes, etc. 1500+ times in his(?) after all small "holy" book.

For OT there also is the "Jesus Proof":  Jesus read from the OT in synagogues and in the Temple. If a prophet of a quality like both the Bible and the Quran tells Jesus was of - verse 19/19 in the Quran f.x. tells that Jesus was holy (something it is very clear on that Muhammad was not) - he had reacted strongly if he had been given falsified texts to read. Neither the Bible nor the Quran mentions such reactions from him (except towards some younger scriptures added by Jewish scholars). This even more so as according to the Quran and Islam he was given a copy of the holy book in Heaven, so that he HAD to see it f there were falsifications.  = Falsifications of OT cannot have been made until after Jesus died in 33 AD. But in also all the many scriptures and fragments older than 33 AD we have - f.x. the Qumran scrolls - the texts are identical to in the present Bible = no falsification has been done. See Proof 6.
 (Errors till here: 4550+).

6. The Qumran scrolls contains large parts of OT. (Parts of each "book" in the OT, except "The Book of Esther".) Those scrolls are from 150-50 BC, and the Biblical parts thus have the same texts Jesus read from in the synagogues and the Temple. If any texts had been falsified, a prophet of that quality, also according to the Quran (he like mentioned is no. 3 in esteem in Islam after Muhammad and Abraham, and like said holy according to 19/19), had strongly warned about it. He never did, neither in the Bible, nor in the Quran. If there had been falsifications in the Bible, it thus had to have been done after Jesus died in 33 AD. But a number of the traces from OT mentioned in point 5, are older than 33 AD =  accepted by Jesus and thus no falsifications of those old texts. And for the period 33 - 610 AD there are so many sources, that it is nonsense to claim that the claimed falsifications were done during that time.  Any omniscient god had known all this. Besides: Neither Muhammad nor Islam has ever explained how it was possible first to find each and every one of tens of thousands of scriptures from the Bible, business letters and personal letters, etc. quoting the Bible, all religious buildings, art, etc. spread over 3 continents, and then identically falsify everything and without making contradictions, etc. - or how to get permission from EVERY owner to falsify their cherished holy scriptures, art, etc. - and doing such a clever job that not even modern science is able to see anything? And how to falsify art or words carved in wood or stone in a church or on a statue or another monument, etc.? Not to mention how to falsify good Muhammadan statues or paintings, etc. (such art hardly is permitted in Islam, but some existed in early Muhammadan times), to show Christian motifs and symbols instead? Things are wrong also here.

7. Then there are  the abrogations (f.x. 2/106, 16/101). An abrogation  means that Allah(?) had to change what he earlier had said or indicated, or make it more  complete. Normally in such cases the  youngest text is the valid one (a main reason why it is essential to  know the age of the texts in the Quran), but the oldest, and now invalid one, is not removed from the book. Muhammadan scholars disagree some about how many abrogations there are in the Quran, but perhaps some 500. Only 9/5 - "the verse of the sword" - abrogates 124 milder points according to Muhammadan scholars. The reason for that high number may be that Islam was reasonably peaceful until Muhammad fled from Mecca to Medina in 622 AD,  but shortly after he started as a  highway man and robber baron, and the religion fast was changed to one of blood, terror, and dishonesty, and then many older points in the religion and the Quran had to be adjusted. Muhammadans NEVER tell about or explain this fundamental change around 622/623 AD. But it is symptomatic that very many of the abrogations are connected to this transformation of the religion, and  that many came just in the years 622-624 AD. Was it Allah who who suddenly found he originally had created a too peaceful and honest religion from Adam and up? Or Muhammad who needed dishonesty and warriors? No matter: No omniscient god is unable to always make things right at his first try, and instead have to abrogate himself - hundreds of times.(Errors, etc. till here: 5050+). NB: All the central points concerning abrogations, are in surahs - chapters - from 622 AD or later.

8.  The Quran tells that Jesus was a strong believer in Allah and Islam (4/171-172, 5/72, and many more) But there are plenty of written and other sources from around the time of Jesus (fx. Josephus Flavius, Tacitus), which prove that the religion of the Jews, and thus of Jesus, also at that time was the Mosaic - Jewish - one. Well, Jesus likely was the first Christian. Any god had known this.

 9. The Quran claims to be the original religion on Earth from Adam and Abraham om and up, and all over the Earth - absolutely all people and cultures on Earth and through all times up to Mohammad had prophets preaching Allah, it claims (.. 10/47, 16/36, 35/24, 57/25) - at least 124ooo prophets through the times, according to Hadiths. But the religion was falsified into the Jewish, Christian, and the many heathen religions (how was that possible if it is true that Allah decides and predestines everything people do, and predestines it according to a divine Plan nothing and nobody can change (fx. 10/64)?) But science like mentioned knows more than 50ooo traces from the Jewish and Christian religions, and at least as many from other religions all over the world, all older than 610 AD, BUT NOT ONE SINGLE TRACE FROM A GOD LIKE THE MUHAMMADAN ALLAH, A RELIGION LIKE ISLAM, OR A BOOK SIMILAR TO THE QURAN, OLDER THAN 610 AD = also this very central claim, in the Quran is untrue. 100ooo : 0 is a proof of mathematical strength. Also this any omniscient god had known. It simply is not true that the Quran or Islam is older than 610 AD - or from a god.

10. Woven into point 9 is also history. Written history started around 3300-3200 BC. There is not one single word clearly relevant to Islam older than 610 AD anywhere in the world. Thus also written history proves that it is not true that Islam is the original religion on Earth, or that Islam is older than 610 AD. Like said above: 100ooo : 0 is a strong proof.

11. Several points in the Quran are physically impossible. F.x. predestination (f.x. 3/145, 3/154, 7/34, 10/64, 23/43) - a very central point in the Quran - is impossible if man (or animals) has free will, like the Quran claims. With even a small touch of free will, man - or animals - always may change his mind once more. Then the future is changed, and Allah's predestination is gone. In the non-physical parts of existence, there are things impossible even for an omniscient and omnipotent god. Any omniscient god had known this. (Also prayer runs into problems here: If Allah has predestined everything, and predestined it according to a divine Plan "nobody and nothing can change", also prayers can change nothing. Similar goes for forgiving.)

12. The book "Muhammad Lying in the Quran",  Amazon, lists 100 points in the Quran where Muhammad obviously or provably lies. (Fx. the sorcerers of Ramses II suddenly became believing Muhammadans (2ooo years before Muhammad), because of small miracles made by Moses (20/69, 26/46). Later Muhammad "explained" that the reason why Allah did not prove himself by making a miracle, was that miracles would make nobody believe anyhow (f.x. 17/59). This claim also psychologically is very wrong - real miracles would make at least some believe.) No omniscient and omnipotent god needs to lie in his "holy" book. This even more so as he had to know the lies would be discovered sooner or later, and he loose trust from the people. (As also lies are wrong facts: Till here 5150+ errors, etc. But the lists are not complete, and thus the real number is higher. If we also add the points in the Quran where the book slanders non-Muhammadans - slander normally are things made up or exaggerated = wrong claims or statements - there easily on average may be 1 error or something in each and every one of the 6236 verses in the Quran. The same if there are religious errors. (There is a list listing 1500+ points in the Quran where non-Muhammadans are mentioned, mostly defaming/slandering or dehumanizing them, but that list is not complete. The correct number likely is between 1500 and 2ooo. In addition there is a list of 950+ points telling how good quality the Muhammadans are. As for religious errors in a provably made up "holy" book, it is anybody's guess how many such errors there are.)

It is slander and blasphemy to blame a god for holding in high esteem or for the delivery of a book of this quality. The book fx. is approaching unbelievable one error a verse - likely more if you add religious errors (as the Quran provably is not from a god, there will be religious errors, too).

One more proof for that the claim is not true.

13. Like mentioned in point 11, predestination is very central in the Quran (fx. 23/43, etc.). But it is very easy to prove it is not true. It f.x. is very easy to prove by means of statistics - if a proof is necessary - that if you are plowing your field instead of taking part in a battle of war, the chances for that you are alive the next day, greatly improve. (And even if you all the same keel over dead in your field, the very fact that you died another place, will upset Allah's divine Plan for the future. The laws of chaos are very strict there.)

14. Sciencs knows the sources for most of the tales in the Quran. They are from folk tales, legends,,etc., often "adjusted a little" to fit Islam, and definitely not from a god.

Further: It is impossible to combine full predestination like the Quran claims, with even a little free will for man.

Also this any god had known = one more proof for that the Quran is not the words of a god.

The only possible conclusion from these proofs: It is not true that the Quran is the exact words of a god. (Thus there hardly will be any royal, Earth-like  luxury life, servants, and willing sex slaves - a luxury brothel - waiting for dead warriors or terrorists "at the other side".) Islam also is unable to tell which one of the 24 versions of the Quran accepted by Islam (6 versions are in daily use today), in case is the one - if any - which has the correct words of Allah. (The oldest known Quran today, was written around 705 - 715 AD and found in Yemen in 1972. Quite much is different there from f.x. the most used version of today, Asim after Hafs.)

As no god delivers a book of such a quality and that full of errors, etc. like the Quran, there only are 3 possible makers:
1. Dark forces - f.x. dressed up like the (arch)angel Gabriel (it would be impossible for Muhammad to see the difference).
2. A sick brain. Medical science suspects that Muhammad had TLE - a brain illness which can give just the kind of religious "experiences" and "inspirations" Muhammad is said to have had.
3. A cold brain.

Or a combination of  these. (Personally we do not believe in point 1. Not even a devil hunting for victims, would deliver a quality like in the Quran - lousy composition, lots of repetitions, thousands of errors, many lies, unclear texts, several cases of invalid logic, etc. He had to know that the errors, etc. would be discovered sooner or later, and the book lose credence - - - - if he was not fully aware of that believers believe what they prefer to believe and what their parents and surroundings claim ("taqlid" in Arabic), and damn the facts which prove something different. Related to what science names "the backfire effect" - where facts trying to correct wrong worldviews or self-concept, instead make the person embrace his wrong belief even more - and to what is named "cognitive dissonance" where 2 conflicting ideas in the brain at the same time, prompts people to spin-doctor the facts to get at the answer one wishes, instead of the correct answer.

And there is "thinking, mode 1" - to look only for claims that may strengthen what you want to believe, instead of "thinking, mode 2: Looking around to try to find out what is the truth.

The proved fact that it is not true that the Quran is the words of a god = it is a made up book, means that Islam is a made up (war) religion, a heathen/pagan "religion" like f.x. the religion of the vikings - another religion of war, but less dishonest than Islam. Allah = Odin (the wise god)? Muhammad = Thor (the warrior)? (Even if Mohammad formally is not divine or holy, he is treated like that in Islam - infallible, always right, high above normal humans, etc.)

The easiest proof to see and to document, may be all the wrong facts and other errors in the Quran.

Central books:
"1000+ Mistakes in the Quran" (This book was tried eradicated from the net by "The Office for Religion" in Malaysia, but they found no errors in it serious enough to use as argument for eradication = the lists and comments in the book are correct".
"1000+ Comments on the Quran"
"Muhammad Lying in the Quran"
"The 13 Proofs" for that the Quran is not from a God. (A booklet - with permission included in this book.)
"The Reason for the Reasons behind Muslim Terrorism". (A booklet - with permission included in this book.)

All on Amazon, some also on the net, f.x. www.1000mistakes.com.


A. The Quran may be the most racist and violence promoting book permitted to sell in the Vest.
B. Islam is the largest (religous)racist group in the world, and it partly is deep racism.
C. Islam is the racist group causing most violence and terror in the world (18ooo killed in terrorism + 23ooo in more or less religionracist caused wars just in 2018).
D. The Quran is strongly against Muslim integration among non-Muslims or into non-Muslim cultures - it is a grave sin meriting Hell.
E. Islam has wide rules permitting dishonesty in deeds (f.x. 8/69, 8/41,  9/29, 48/15) and words (fx. 2/225, 5/89, 16/61, 66/2, and words like al-Taqiya (lawful lie), Kitman (lawful half-truth), and Hilah (lawful pretending or circumventing)). In serious cases one should be careful believing Islam or Muslims, unless there are real proofs in addition to their words or claims.

(Sitat, ettertrykk og spreiing t.d. på nettet ok.)

Martin A. Engeset